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RE: vendor for hard drives

Michael J. Sears writes:
 > --> On Wed, 29 Nov 1995, Dennis Park wrote:
 > --> 
 > --> > IBM Factory Outlet is selling the removeable 170mb Thinkpad HD for only $79.
 > --> > The drives are small, but one could buy these drives for the shells and
 > --> > replace the inner drives with higher capacity.
 > --> 
 > --> Phone number anyone? PC direct I got, Factory Outlet, no.
 > I found the number in the computer shopper,  1-800-426-7255
 > Michael
 > sears@pasture.ecn.purdue.edu
 > PS - Anyone think it might be possible to rig something up & try to get
 > 	one of these to work in a TP 350?
Or TP355?
| Alwyn  Wootten   (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/)	|
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