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RE: Can you help me out? (fwd)

RK sent this to me and asked I forward it to the list, and I agreed. The 
quickcharger is for the 700&720 batteries, not the 750 model.

Please do NOT reply to me, reply to Robert at the mcimail address. I am 
unconnected to this except as a messenger.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Robert Kondilas <0006076087@mcimail.com>

Don -

I wanted to ask you if you could do me a favor.  I came across a
few IBM ThinkPad PCMCIA modems and Quickchargers.  I have the part
numbers this time to avoid the fiasco that happened last time.  Here
is the information that I have:

QTY   IBM P/N    Description                             Price
---   -------    ------------------------------------    -----
 2    49G2170       IBM TP Battery Quickcharger          $80/OBO

29    42G2581       IBM TP PCMCIA 2400DATA/9600FAX Modem $25/OBO

If you could put these out in your TP newsgroup, I would be very
appreciative.  I know that the modems are not the fastest out there
but for someone that needs a modem and does not want to spend
$159.00 for a 14.4 or 9600 modem, it it a good buy.

By the way, all of the items are still in the factory sealed cartons
with the IBM tape on them.  NONE of these products are USED.
----------End of Original Message----------