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Re: TP755CDV vs TP760


You bring up some excellent questions... I know... I've asked them myself ;]

I've got some inside contacts at IBM and (well, at least the story is
consistent) there are no plans of delivering a 12.1" CV or CDV version of
the 760 in the 'foreseeable future' due to a couple of issues:

1.  There seems to be an engineering problem in getting the CV detachable
back with the backlight design implemented in the 760 due to the small bezel
surrounding the large LCD.

2.  They've got a lot of 755's that they need to sell. (Osbourne, circle-slash)

I've got a P75 755CDV and love it.  I wouldn't hold out if I were you.

One other tidbit... I would get a Logitech TrackMan Live and file the IR
'MindPath' that comes with the unit.  The TracMan Live is RF and allows you
to get out of the line of sight of the front or rear of the system and still
maintain control of the presentation; can't do that with the MindPath!

The Logitech unit will set you back another $135-150, but it's well worth it.
(Hell, you just spent $6-8K on a 7.5 lb black box, what's another $150, eh?)

Happy presenting...


Ted Frederick
Strategic Programs Manager
DM Practice Development

Voice: 408.894.2275
Fax: 408.894.3484