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Re: Thinkpad IR port

At 2:18 AM 12/13/95, Rev. Ben wrote:

>The computers think they are connected by a null modem cable.  Its really
>eerie to think that all this data is flying back and forth under your
>nose in thin air.
>I'm curious what I would see with a CCD that was sensitive to IR.

        Get out your video camera and look through the viewfinder.

        I stumbled across this while videotaping a family member some
couple of years ago and they pointed a TV remote at me.  Wow!  is saw the
light!  ;-)

        And when my 701 came recently and I had no way of really testing
whether the IR port worked (nothing to communicate with and it didn't seem
to work with my HP 100LX), I dug out the video camera and looked through
the viewfinder.  You see little flashes of light, basically.  Its neato to
think you can put on the "magic specs" and see things normally invisible to
the naked eye.

-----                                          ____________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu               |       WWW Home Page:     |
USC Graduate School of Business (Fight on 'SC!)|          http://         |
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