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Re[4]: native Win95 CD-ROM access on 755CD -- POSSIBLE SOLUTION

This deserves to be shared for others experiencing similar difficulties.

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To: Don Markuson <dmm@tiger1>
Subject: Re[4]: native Win95 CD-ROM access on 755CD 

     As unbelievable as it sounds, I tried what you suggested.  I restarted 
     two or three times, then I tried a full shutdown.  Upon powering-up 
     and rebooting, low and behold, the CD-ROM drive was there--without any 
     real-mode drivers loaded!  Baffling, but it got the desired results!
     Thanks very much for the suggestion.

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Subject: Re: Re[2]: native Win95 CD-ROM access on 755CD 
Author:  Don Markuson <dmm@tiger1.westboro-ma.peritus.com> at SMTPLINK-FULCRUM
Date:    95.12.15 9:34 am

- ->      Thanks for responding.  You are right--I have tried the instructions 
- ->      in the IBM document.  When I comment-out the driver and MSCDEX lines, 
- ->      the CD-ROM drive disappears the next time I reboot.  I am running the 
- ->      1.3 BIOS, but perhaps I don't have Plug and Play enabled.  Do you know 
- ->      how I can check this?
I don't think it's something that's turned on or off--the BIOS is just 
supposed to do it.
Have you tried rebooting say 3 times?  I've found that Win95 can sometimes 
take a few reboots to fully believe something new is really there.  It's 
uncanny, but I've observed this too many times to believe it's coincidence!

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