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Re: MIDI on 750??

At 5:10 AM 12/16/95, John M. Bozeman wrote:
>I see ads saying that the IBM TP701 has MIDI capability.  Does
>the TP750?  How easy is it to set up?
>       Thanks,
>         John Bozeman

        By "MIDI Capability", I believe it merely means that both these
machines can *play* MIDI files through the speaker--that's it.  I don't
believe there is any way to physically hook up MIDI cables and control
musical instruments with it (perhaps a PCMCIA card?).  But the drivers to
play MIDI should have come with your machine.

        Oh, and the 750--it doesn't play MIDI files very well.  Sounds
*very* "tinny" (i.e. like the sound is coming out of a tin can).  I was
pleasantly surprised with the MIDI sound the 701 was capable of though.

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