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Re: Mwave2.00 and Win95 overcommited


        Well, I seem to be working under the 1.40 BIOS.  BTW - the consensus
is that, while the MWAVE could do V32bis and sound together, it can't do V34
and sounds.


At 11:18 95/12/15 PST, the sage, Chris Osborn, uttered these words:
(>I haven't been able to use the MWave modem *at all* under Win95
(>since I upgraded to the 1.40 BIOS. Anytime something opens COM2 to
(>talk to it, it hangs the computer, and the only way out is to push
(>the reset button on the back.
(>Used to work fine when I had the 1.30 BIOS.
(>Chris Osborn, Network Administrator       Voice: 707 253 3130
(>Napa Valley College                         Fax: 707 253 3063
(>2277 Napa-Vallejo Hwy., Napa, CA, 94558
(><fozztexx@nvc.cc.ca.us>           MIME ok, NeXTMail tolerated
    ( (   | (               Chris Liljenstolpe <Chris.Liljenstolpe@ssds.com>
     ) ) (|  ), inc.        SSDS, Inc; 8400 Normandale Lake Blvd.; Suite 993
    business driven         Bloomington, MN  55437; 
  technology solutions      TEL 612.921.2392  FAX 612.921.2395   Um Yah Yah!