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Re: dsp modem from win95

thanks for the reply :)  its silent and dark in here :0

someone else mentioned using HyperTerm, which i am doing, but 
for some reason now i am getting the message that 'Another
program is using the selected Telephony device.  Try again
after the other program completes'.  Cold boot didnt help.

'it takes 4 people around a computer to try to make it work,
but only one to throw it out the window' 

ha ha :)

i will try again in the morning.    night all ...........

anyway, no luck as of yet.  i do have both Serial ports, A and B

On Wed, 20 Dec 1995, Pat Presidente wrote:

> I have the dsp modem working under win95 on my 755 CDV.  It is working on
> com2.  In the Thinkpad setup - serial, I have com2 disabled.  I believe this
> allows win95 to find the modem and allow it to work on com2.
> Good luck
> Pat
> At 09:27 PM 12/20/95 -0800, you wrote:
> >
> >i dont think that win95 sees my dsp modem.  i am also kinda bummed 
> >that there is no winterm equivalent.  it seems the dial-up
> >networking accessory app is for something entirely different.
> >when i try to use it, it tells me that it cant find my modem,
> >and i think it is trying to look for an external modem on com1.
> >
> >i am using a thinkpad 755cx.  i have a phone line jacked in to the
> >connector on the side of the thinkpad box.
> >
> >so, anyone successfully get to the dsp modem from win95 ?
> >
> >thanks for any help.  i am going to go home and plug my modem
> >into com1, and see if that works (i expect it should).
> >
> >doug
> >
> >