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Ack! 755CX Linux Slackware install failure!

Probably...you're not including a parameter after floppy=thinkpad to look
for the adaptec 152x controller in your Dock II.  I had to tell linux where
the 152x was, and at what interrupt.  Uhm...damn...I haven't startup up
linux in a while...gee...i think i even forgot my root password...anyone
here know how to get around it if you forget your password!???!?

>From: chet@watson.ibm.com (Chet Murthy)
>To: tp750@cs.utk.edu
>Subject: Ack!  755CX Linux Slackware install failure!
>Date: Fri, 22 Dec 95 12:56:29 -0500
>The title line says it all.  I'm trying to boot from a SCSI CDROM
>on an IBM Thinkpad DOCK II.  The destination machine is a 755CX,
>with an 810MB hard drive.
>I've followed the instructions, but obviously I'm doing something
>terribly wrong, because with:
>"scsi" bootdisk
>"color" 1.44 rootdisk
>(1) if I boot with:
>boot: ramdisk floppy=thinkpad
>the boot process asks me to insert the ramdisk.  At which point, I
>insert the "color" rootdisk.  It then asks for that, so I just hit
>return, and then the kernel panics.
>(2) if I boot with:
>boot: mount root=/dev/fd0 floppy=thinkpad
>then it doesn't ask for the ramdisk, but it *does* die when it tries to
>mount the root (again).
>What am I doing wrong?  I guess this is a true sign of a newbie --
>I don't have a clue what's going wrong!
>Thanks in advance for any pointers,
"Opinions are like assholes -- everybody's got one"
					Clint Eastwood, THE DEAD POOL
	  Derek V. Chan (chan4@fas.harvard.edu, dchan@cybercom.net)