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Re: 16 Meg RAM card for TP750

> There are probably lots of cheap 170Meg HD's around. it is a pity there
> is no easy way of copying stuff from one hard disk to another.
  The IBM factory outlet has them for only $70 if I remember
  correctly.  There are ways of copying stuff around if you have
  a network connection and someplace to drop stuff :-)

> But wait, maybe there is now, the 760 can take two hard disks, are
> these the same hard disks that work in the 755, or has IBM yet again
  The drives are the same.

> about). I suppose the 760 has yet again incompatible batteries???
  Not sure about the batteries.  I'll have to look at a friend's
  755CX.  The Li-ion battery itself looks like a hard drive except
  bigger, with these notches on one corner edge on the

> What do you need to have a second hard disk in a 760?
  This made my gripe list in my upcoming 760CD summary.
  You have to have this special holder for it to snap into their
  "ultrabay".  The thinking is on the lines of the battery bezel.
  This thing holds the drive so it doesn't rattle around in the
  huge area devoted to the CDROM drive.
  Of course, this isn't included (no idea on cost).  I also can't
  hook a real keyboard to it unless I get this mouse Y cable :-(
  It's too bad IBM doesn't have the bay cartidges like Compaq
  does; I think  the way IBM did it allows them to make the
  system smaller.


p.s., I finally got Win95, NT 3.51, and Warp Connect on it.
Trident must have screwed up the VGA compatibility on the
video chip.  It also can boot into the original Win3.1 and
Warp install. :-)