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RE: vendor for hard drives

> I am using TP750 with a 170MB hard disk, the P/N is 66G3767. When I bought a
> 540MB IBM OEM drive I discovered the pin position of the new drive differs
> from the old one. I dare not to push it hard into the caddy. So I returned the
> drive to the vendor. Do you mean it is possible to put the new drive into the
> old caddy even the pin position does not fit? 
In my case the OEM drive had a very sloppy metal case, both on my own 
TP755C and the organisations' TP 755-Pentium i have to use a litte 
force to switch, but it works okay. My question is about procedures 
for usin a 3d party drive, when I believe we have to solve the 
case.problem (easy) and the cable problem (difficult ?) or is the 750 
cable a de facto standard on 2,5 drives ???