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Re: Airborne Express

At 05:51 PM 1/6/96 -0800, you wrote:
>At 12:46 AM 1/6/96, Don Whiteside wrote:
>>  Got my dock 2 (after Airborne express decided that apparently, yes,
>>delivery IS what they're supposed to do)
>        You too?!!
>        I have an absolutely *terrible* time with these morons. 
I got that story beat!

The boss had to return a ski watch to the vendor for credit.  What the
vendor got was a package of VACCINE!

Airborne put labels on the boxes, and the folks waiting for the vaccine got
a swiss watch.

Some poor soul, probably with the Ebola virus, really needs a watch.

Jim Biggerstaff            OS/2, Win 3.1, Win 95, Linux, DOS       jimb@infi.net
Norfolk, Virginia, USA       What?  Indecisive?  Moi?                     