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Re: hard drives for tp720c?

>> "I bought a 720 Million Bytes (!) HD for a tp720c at Sigma Data, phone: 800 446
>> 4525, fax:603 526 6919.
>> Educational price was $1100,- (1295 non edu.)"
>> I hope this was some time ago. I bought a 1.2 gig drive for a 750 for 
>> little more than this a few months ago.
>But the 720 took ESDI. Not enough made to get the kind of price discount 
>an IDE can.....

Ah, yes, but the kicker is that it was a Micro-Channel drive (using IBM's
wanna-be standard Micro-Channel Architecture, or MCA, which never took
off and was eventually canned by IBM).  Nobody makes MCA drives anymore,
and Sigma Data's solution is some kind of high-priced work-around.  It's
clever, though.  I guess if you absolutely need to upgrade your 700 or
720, this is the only solution other than using an external hard drive
chassis off of the parallel port.  

Kevin Prince            |      Check out the Road Warrior Outpost
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