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Re: Procomm Plus and mwave 28.8k

We're using ProComm Plus for windows (version 2.1), which has a WindSurfer 
modem choice. That's the one we use for the MWave modem.

If you have a different version of Procomm, let me know, and I'll pull the inti
strings off.

\          Dennis J. Gormley                           Tel:  (215) 222-1532
\\         Operations Manager                          Fax:  (215) 222-0416
\\\\       Health Sciences Libraries Consortium        Int:  gormley@hslc.org
\\\\\\     3600 Market Street, Suite 550                          
H S L C    Philadelphia, PA   19104-2646              

> From:	IN%"scoundrl@vnet.net"  "scoundrl" 12-JAN-1996 10:12:50.68
> Subj:	Procomm Plus and mwave 28.8k

> Could someone PLEASE give me the setup strings for the MODEM and FAX 
> settings on Procomm Plus using the updated (2.0) Mwave at 28.8k?  I've 
> tried the USR and Hayes Accura 28.8k versions and simply cannot get it to 
> work.  Prodigy works just fine at its 14.4k rate, but I can't seem to get 
> Procomm Plus to dial out or respond at more than 14.4k.  I am familiar 
> with Procomm Plus's settings, so I just need the "AT" commands to insert 
> in the program for Mwave.
> Tom
> Thomas A. Gauldin       Here's to the land of the longleaf pine,
> Raleigh, NC             The summerland where the sun doth shine,
> BSRB45A on Prodigy      Where the weak grow strong and the strong grow great,
> FAX (919) 676-1404      Here's to Downhome, the Old North State.