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Re: 755cd pentium upgrade

>most dx4/100's, *including* the tp 755cd are clock-tripled on a 33mhz board.  
>(most other ibm dx4/100's are, much to their own undoing, clock-doubled on a 
>50mhz board.) 
"....What is the downside of running 50/100? Having a multiple of cycle time
match up with memory access time?...."

the 50/100 would be slightly faster than a 33/100 because everything except the 
processor works faster, but the problem-- completely unrelated to thinkpads-- 
is that the dx4/100 was coming off production lines about the same time as vlb 
architecture, which is system clock dependant, and nobody, but nobody, was 
making vlb cards for a 50mhz board.  they were all 25 or 33mhz.  kinda like mca 
and os/2-- bigger, better, faster, but non-standard, non-compatable.

anyway, i'd like to know if anyone finds out about clock speed flexibility in 
upgrading the 755cd dx4 to a pentium, so's i can weigh the pros & cons for 
myself.  also if anyone knows whether or not the upgrades are p24t's.

Michael J. Verne
Systems Analyst, Ventana Communications Group