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Re: MWave performance at 28.8

> My 755CX is pretty much my machine for everything. I'm having a number of
> problems with Internet connectivity (Win95 PPP) that seem to be related in
> some way to the MWave (since it works fine from other systems that I have).
> Are any of you seeing this? Any ideas? Anyone know when the next release of
> the MWave software is expected?
  I'm having similiar problems under Warp Connect.  I thought
  it was related to swapping problems because I only have 8MB..
  My setup is using the 760 as a router for a small home
  network with another OS/2 machine and an NT machine.  The
  760 is running SLIP w/ Mwave 2.0 to a system running TIA.  The
  other machines are told to default route through the 760.  After
  SLIP comes up, the 760 stops swapping, so it's definitely
  not that.
  The symptom is that telnets work (although response times
  are slow).  The SLIP window puts out a lot of warnings that
  only x of y characters were written with x < y.  ftp's seem to go
  for a while (both ways), then die as if they lose sync.
  What are your symptoms?
