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Re: The Elusive MWave for Win95 is back!

On Jan. 22 96, 14:18 PST, "Michael Klenner" <mdk1143@is.nyu.edu>

> Unless you've moved them in the last couple of hours, the files
> are actually in ftp://ftp.nvc.cc.ca.us/ThinkPad/ and NOT in
> /pub/ThinkPad/.

Fixed. They *are* now in <ftp://ftp.nvc.cc.ca.us/pub/ThinkPad>. I
was in a such a rush to get so many things done (got a bunch of
instructors and students bugging me), I just wasn't paying attention.

Chris Osborn, Network Administrator       Voice: 707 253 3130
Napa Valley College                         Fax: 707 253 3063
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<fozztexx@nvc.cc.ca.us>           MIME ok, NeXTMail tolerated