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Re: Partition Magic software?

  Partition Magic is also available from other vendors; though I'm drawing a
blank right now trying to remember where I bought it from.

  It works very well, within certain restrictions.  The one thing it can't
do is expand or shrink a partition beyond a cluster-size boundary.  (e.g.
you can't make a 300M partition a 100M partition and vice versa)  You can
slide partitions around though, so that you can shave some space off of one
partition and give it to another one.

-- Lew Jansen, lrj2@cornell.edu

At 06:50 PM 1/30/96 -0800, you wrote:
>I still happened to have a brochure:
>	Powerquest Corporation
>	P.O. Box 1911
>	Orem, UT 84059-9931
>	order: 1-800-379-2566
>	fax:   1-801-226-8941
>Too scary for me...
>>         Someone on the list once mentioned some software that allowed you
>> to change the sizes of partitions (I presume DOS partitions) without
>> destroying the whole disk in the process.
>>         Would that person please let me know the name of it, and/or the
>> company that makes it?  And if you know, where I might purchase it?
>> Thanks...
>> -----                                          ____________________________
>> Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu               |       WWW Home Page:     |
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>>        -Fox Mulder on T.V.'s "X-Files" speaking to an occult practitioner
>> Southern Cal--Rose Bowl Champions, 1996!!
>Pat Mason                         |    email: patmason@sequent.com
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 Lew Jansen