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Re: Internet Services...

At 08:21 PM 2/7/96 -0500, BrianPK@aol.com wrote:
>Hey Folks,
>I know this is off the point of the main discusion thread, but I am looking
>to set up an internet account that will allow me the following:
>1.  E-mail
>2.  Local numbers for most major cities
>3.  Ability to read newsgroups
>4.  Free server space for a small web page
>5.  Unlimited access
>Does anyone have any suggestions?  I appreciate it...

Where are you located?

There are *lots* of ISPs out there, and most have at least some of those
things. Compuserve and MSN, of course. PSI's Pipeline. MCI, AT&T, IBM, etc.
There are also small ISPs that can give you 800 number access.

If you'd like to give me more details, I'd be happy to help...

Steve Hultquist                                Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Distributed Systems and Internet Engineering           Boulder, Colorado