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Re: I bought an Apex 28.8 Cellular PC Card Modem...

At 10:11 PM 2/15/96 +0000, Don Whiteside wrote:
>> Was looking at the USR Courier w/ Dataview and the Megahertz X-Jack cellular
>> modem. However, the USR doesn't support cellular, and USR's tech support sux
>> rox (got routed from voice mail to voice mail...). 
>Megahertz support was good... when I got through to them. Back in the 
>days of their 800 number, I waited on hold for _20_ minutes before I 
>got a person (who promptly sent me a new modem, admittedly). Now they 
>have toll calls. I'm sure it's no better.
A funny story about Megahertz support in the days of the 800 number:

I bought a 14.4 modem and it was dead from the start.  When I called, the first
thing that the customer support guy told me was to boot windows, to which
I proudly responded "I don't have windows"... After a long pause, he came
back and
asked "What are you running?" and I said Linux and DOS.  a couple of silent
passed (I think I heard some frantic paper shuffling on the other side) and the 
guy told me to go to DOS and use DEBUG... He wasn't even sure what to do, but
his directions where perfect and to the point. (I just had to send a software 
reset to the modem).

BTW: I now run Windows 95 too... so maybe I won't shock anyone anymore...

Just thought I'd pass it on...


Arturo J. Morales                 | MIT, Department of Biology, 68-252
art@aars.mit.edu                  | Cambridge, MA 02139