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[vision] Here's something to think about... (fwd

Subject: [vision] Here's something to think about... (fwd)

Here's a story that a someone on the mariah carey mailing-list posted. 
Just thought some of you on the tp-list would find interesting. Form your 
own opinions while you can....

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 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 1996 18:18:05 -1000 (HST)
From: Mariah's Paladin <mariah@mariah-carey-is-the-best>
To: Mailing List of the Goddess Mariah <vision@southwind.net>
Subject: [vision] Here's something to think about...

Greetings fellow Mariah fanatics,

Here's a story I found on the Net that you folks (and our good friend from
the Mass. Government who is spying on us) might find interesting. 
I just thought I'd share it with you. :)


by the Grand Clavister

"Grandpa, tell us about the Innernet!"

"Ah, I've told you about it a hundred times already!"

"Tell us again... please!!!"

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"Is it true that you could see the human naked body?"

"Oh, you could see a lot of things in those days, kids. Why, when I 
was a young man, if you, for instance, wanted a picture of a woman 
covered in her own feces having sex with a giraffe, all you needed 
was a computer and a telephone --"

"What's a telephone, Grandpa?"

"Now don't interrupt! You interrupt again and I won't tell you 

"I sorry."

"Now, as I was saying, if you wanted a picture of a woman covered in 
her own feces having sex with a giraffe, all you needed was a 
computer and a telephone. And wasn't no one's business no-how why you 
wanted it!"

"Did you masturbate to the picture, Grandpa?"

"Well, now who says it was _me_ that wanted that picture? Anyhow, 
just about anyone could get just about anything through their 
computer system... it was all for the asking on the Internet... all 
until the Telecommunications Restriction Act. And it got worse 
the year they appointed President Chicken!"

"Was that the year the music died, Grandpa?"

"No, kids, that was 1999, when Michael Jackson bought the rights to 
all music everywhere. I'm talking about 2001, the Millenium. That was 
the year that President Gramm got shot, and his Vice President, a 
chicken, got inagurated. Everyone thought it was really funny when 
Gramm appointed a chicken to the position of Vice President, and 
when he had Vice-President Chicken stand on a rotating turntable so 
it looked like he was dancing, but it wasn't nearly so funny when the 
chicken got made President. That was the year the Trust Legalization 
Act got passed."

"But how could a chicken be President, Grandpa?"

"Read your history books, boy! They'd put a copy of the bill in front 
of the chicken, and they'd cover the bill with feed, and if the 
chicken pecked at the bottom where you're supposed to sign, then they 
took that as his approval, and they made the bill a law! That's why 
everything in this house, and this house, and the power that's 
running our surveillance system, and the water substitute in the 
sink, and the clothes some of you are wearing, and the clouds in the 
sky and the clouds in the river and Fluffy and Conchita the maid are 
all stamped with the OWC logo... because all is OWC."

"One World Corporation, right, Grandpa?"

"Not so loud, boy. They'll switch on the AI bugs."

"What's a turntable, Grandpa?"

"Never you mind, child. It's something from long ago."

"Is that all you know about the Innernet, Grandpa, or should be put 
you back in the capsule?"

"Well, some people used it to trade ideas and thoughts --"

"I don't like ideas and thoughts, Grandpa: Teachoid says they lead to 
indi.. individibal behavior! And that interferes with the efficiency 
of the community and the corporation. Amen."

"They really teach you good down at the school, don't they?"

"I dunno, Grandpa. I just sleep for 8 hours, and then come home."

"Well, the Internet was a wonderful thing, back before they started 
restricting it. It was a way for everyone to express themselves and 
be individuals. It was a way that everyone could be free."

"But nothing is free, Grandpa, are they?"

"Not anymore, child. Not anymore."


Wind to you wings,
-Commander Sirius
  _.--~~""":"-`-----'`---._    Sirius T. Bontea     <mariah@ILhawaii.net>
 /__ _.--. ____\|~~~~\*;___\   Romulan Mailing List <romulan-l@ILhawaii.edu>
C|__l_ ~~ [____D' ____~\   =:  Romulan Star Empire  <info@homeworld.com>
 \_   `--'   _=+='""""~~`--.j   
   `--..__,-~               '
I.R.W. Mariah's Avenger          University of Hawaii at Hilo.
   D'deridex Class            Department of Physics and Astronomy.

        "Mathematics is to Physics, as masturbation is to sex."