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Linux kernel for 755CDV


I recently acquired a 755CDV and would like to get Linux running ASAP.
If someone happens to have a compiled kernel which 
 	a) recognizes the CDROM
	b) has PCMCIA (ethernet) support 
	c) and is small enough to load using loadlin
they would earn my undying gratitude by sharing it with me.

Failing that, I would appreciate hearing any peculiarities related to
running linux on this platform (I have already read the faq, archives and
linux-thinkpad page -- at least enough to know that the process will not be

Much thanks,


   I have installed and use Linux on lots of desktop machines.
   The primary use for this thinkpad is a speech recognition front-end to
   save my wrists.  I am using Kurzweil Voice product for Windows 3.1 
   which uses the Mwave DSP.  
   Yes, it works, but not perfectly.  I use an XServer under Windows so 
   I can talk to my emacs windows.  Unfortunately, I know of no good speech
   recognition products that run on unix (linux) platforms.