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Infrared port in OS/2

	Hello all.  I have a TP701CS with 16 MB of RAM.  I have the hard 
drive partitioned into an OS/2 partition (200 something MB) and PC 
DOS/Windows (100 something MB).  I use bootmanager to switch between 
partitions.  I am very pleased with the computer, but I am having a 
problem printing via the IR port under OS/2.  I am able to print to an 
HP5MP Laserjet under Windows using the Jeteye software, but I am unable 
to get IR printing under Win-OS/2.  If anyone has printing working well 
via IR under OS/2 could you let me know how you have it set up?  Thanks.



|  Doug Gordon                       gordond@bcc.orst.edu                  |
|  Oregon State University           Molecular and Cellular Biology        |
|  (541) 737-3334                    Corvallis, OR  97331  USA             |