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Re: TP755, hibernate and ethernet

I have an IBM Ethernet card in a 755C (same one I had in the 720C before 
that).  I have been successful with both machines and 3 versions of OS/2 at 
getting the machine to both hibernate and suspend.  I will admit that it took 
a bunch of playing around with the various drivers for PCMCIA, and I'm using a 
combination of stuff from Warp and from the Thinkpad diskettes -- but, hey, it 
works!  Don't lt IBM tell you it can't be done if I can do it with their own 
card on a 755C!  Oh, one interesting glitch -- although I can suspend using 
the keyboard controls, I can't hibernate from the keyboard -- I have to use 
the "fuel" program to hibernate.  Sometimes the machine won't hibernate but if 
I do a suspend then a hibernate, it always works.  It's an aggravation, but it 
works well enough that I decided not to fiddle with it further.

Bob Cowles (aka Dr.Chaos)
Technology Consultant
Cornell Info. Tech
Bob Cowles                     ||   "This could come out better if we
rdc1@cornell.edu               ||     planned it."  Dr. Chaos