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Re: frustrations with thinkpad 701

On Sat, 16 Mar 1996 19:30:52 -0800 you wrote:
>  3.) Am I correct in assuming that the serial port and modem port
>      cannot both share interupt 4?  Or can they, as lone as one
>      is serial_1 and the other is serial_3 -- and I don't try to use
>      them at the same time?

I use OS/2 Warp on my TP, but I recently installed Win 95 on my
desktop.  I discovered that one of Win 95's known bugs is that if you
use Com 2 for a modem, and Com 1 for a mouse, (or vice-versa) they may
conflict.  Placing them on Coms 1 and 3 clears up the problem.

Your problems sound like Win95 problems, not IBM TP problems.  You
might check out Compuserve's Win95 forum: it has lots of information
about the depressing number of bugs with the current version of Win95,
and what the workarounds are.

Roger J. Buffington	
USC Law, Class of '97	

Go Trojans!!
WARPing with PM-Mail

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rather than screaming, and in terror, like his passengers..."