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Racist newsgroup proposal alert!

There is currently a proposal for the newsgroup rec.music.white-power,
an attempt by neo-nazi racists to legitimize their activities. It is now
in the CFV stage, where anyone with a valid e-mail address may vote.

"White power" racist music is not a legitimate form of music deserving of
a separate rec.music newsgroup, but rather a political group masquerading
as a musical one. And, the rec.* hierarchy is inappropriate because rec.*
is for recreational activities, and racism is anything but recreational.

But, most importantly, we must show the racists that they will not be
granted a mainstream forum in order to promote hate. If you don't want
a Usenet where minorities feel unwelcome and uncomfortable, vote NO on
rec.music.white-power. Let's make this a crushing defeat for racists.

To vote, send e-mail to music-vote@sub-rosa.com and put

I vote NO on rec.music.white-power

in the body of the message.

The actual CFV can be found on news.announce.newsgroups,
or by sending a blank e-mail to music-cfv@sub-rosa.com.

Voting ends 23:59:59 UTC, 18 Mar 1996, so act quickly!