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Re: Hard disk drives in Thinkpad

On Mon, 1 Apr 1996 image@amanda.dorsai.org wrote:

> do you know if it's possible to fit a 19mm into a 701 even without a 
> caddy? how bad is it to not have a caddy?

The 701 takes a 12mm drive.  I haven't taken the 701 caddy apart so
I don't know how essential it is.  Given the 701's drive slides in
instead of popping down like the 75X, I'd think the caddy is required.
John H. Kim          "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
jokim@mit.edu        'contributing' this year come April." -- Bob Dole
jokim@tuna.mit.edu   on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word 'taxes'