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Optimize memory on 701 & QEMM?

I finally got all the garbage off of my TP701, upgraded the BIOS, and got
the Dos/WFW stuff the way I wanted it, and I also changed some of the port
assignments around: Modem on COM2 (IRQ3), IrDA on COM1(4), Floppy on 
Pll- 1(7), Audio (10), got my desktop cnfigured to work with a modem and 
the JetEye IrDA, everything worked, played around with the modem, IrDA, 
transfered some files, cool!

Then I tried to install QEMM to optimize my memory, it went through pretty
good, except that it started out with like 7x10E18 combinations, and I
waited for it to drop to about 7x10E15 (15 minutes)and selected the
already maximized configuration, No I do not exagerate the magnatude of
the numbers,

After QEMM finished, I got back up to 629 K under 640, everyhting seemed 
prety good.  WRONG! After reboot, none of the ports worked right, no 
floppy, no Ir, no nothing, programs seem to work ok, but all periferals 
seem out of kilter.

How should one optimize the memory on a 701?  What have people done to 
otimizr the first 640k?




Dennis Pantazis				My opinions are my own, and can not
<pantazis@uiuc.edu>			be interpreted as extensions of the 
Graduate Student in Civil Engineering	University's official policies.
University of Illinois-Urbana
(the Extended Tour of Duty continues)

You  can see us at http://students.uiuc.edu/~pantazis !!!!!
