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Re: IdDA & TP701 Success

On Apr. 04 96, 07:52 PST, "John D. Griffith" <griffith@kodak.com>

> Do these irDa devices require special drivers to operate or are
> they simply  hardware devices  that would work with any program
> (e.g.  kermit) that talks politely  with the serial port under NT??

The JetEye that I have just connects to the serial port and translates
serial data to/from IrDA. It only communicates at 115200, so unless
your software (and serial port) can do that, you won't be able to
use it.

But it doesn't require any special drivers to use the device. I
have mine connected to my Mac, and I've been able to communicate
between my ThinkPad and my Mac (not useful, but it was the only
desktop I had that could do 115200).

Chris Osborn, Network Administrator       Voice: 707 253 3130
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