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Re: TP 760CD Opinions?

personally, i don't think it is a good time to buy.

1.  toshiba seems to have moved back to the front (where it pretty much 
was before being displaced by thinkpads).  the toshiba i had before my 
tp755ce as generally a good machine, and when i did have problems the 
international warrenty service was very good.

only thing i would be concerned about in buying another toshiba is 
compatibility - they seemed to use proprietary stuff more than others,
which could create problems - if that is still the case - if you wanted 
to install linux, for example.

2.  as for a tp760, i had one on order (760cd) but ibm could not supply 
one before a planned period overseas (i am in washington d.c. at the 
moment), so i dropped the order.  i really wasn't that keen on the 760cd, 
but at the time though i had to spend some funds before the end of 
february or risk losing them.   when it turned out that wasnt the case, i 
was not sad to have missed getting a 760cd.

as it turned out, when i got to the states in early feb and caught up on 
my reading of the trade papers, all indicators seemed to point to the 
desireability of postponing purchase.  ibm should have some new products 
shortly, which maybe why they are not in a rush to provide 760's (and end 
up with lots of disgrunglted customers).  specifically, ibm is way behind 
in putting out a machine with a PCI bus, relative to toshiba et al, and 
in theory a pci bus should give one the cabability of using a graphics 
accelorator card (eg matrox with its glint chip) in a docking station, 
for the beginning of *real* graphics at the notebook level.  thus, a 
notebook that is finally the equivalent of a desktop machine.

also, they and others are due out with a low/small form factor model(s) 

frankly, i am going to try to put off purchase until november, though i 
would think by july if not sooner you should be able to get a much better 
machine from ibm (and, if not, from toshiba).

regards, al

 Alden S Klovdahl /   alden.klovdahl@anu.edu.au    / fax: +61 62 49 05 25
 Sociology Arts  / Australian National University / Canberra ACT Australia 0200 

On Thu, 4 Apr 1996, Dane Tyson wrote:

> Now that the 760CD has been in the market for several months, I would be
> very interested in opinions on this machine from some experienced users.
> I had an order in with my dealer for a 120 MHz 760CD, but I had also
> expressed an interest in the Toshiba Tecra 700 CT, especially after I had
> heard about thedifficulities early 760 users were having running Windows '95
> (which I use) on their machines.  TheTecra became available first, and I
> have been "testing" it over the past 3 weeks under my dealer's 30-day money
> back (with no restocking charge) guarantee policy.  The Tecra performs well,
> has a gorgeous screen, and overall a very solid feel.  In short, I'm quite
> satisfied with the computer and have no complaints at all.. Furthermore,
> although this will be a company-owned machine, it's hard for me to just
> ignore what has become (since Toshiba's recently announced price cuts) a
> significant price difference between the two machines (PCs Compleat sells
> the 120 MHz Tecra with 16 Mb RAM,  an optional  4x CD-ROM drive, PCMCIA
> data/fax modem, and a 1.2 Gb HD  for $5,600 vs. over $7000 for a similarly
> equipped 760.
> I have until Monday to decide whether to keep the Tecra or return it to the
> dealer and join the queue waiting for the 760.  In the meantime, I would
> welcome reviews, opinions, comments on the 760 from experienced users,
> especially from anyone who might have used both the 760 and the Tecra and
> can do a more direct comparison.
> Thanks in advance for your comments.
> Regards,
> Dane Tyson