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Re: Thinkpad 701Cs Hidden File

Yes, that is an os/2 file, and you can delete it.  

You can call the 800 numbe and they will walk you through it, here is 
what I remember of it....

You will have to use the attrib command on it, 

attrib -r -s -h ea*.sys  

and then I think you will have to del ea*?sys

to get rid of it, it needs the wildcards to delete it.

Good luck, like I said, call the 800 line and they will walk you through it..
On Fri, 5 Apr 1996, Richard Joseph wrote:

> I recently bought a Thinkpad 701CS which came with OS/2 and Windows 3.11. 
> I deleted the OS/2 using the "button" in the Windows  OS/2 group. Looking 
> at my hard disk I find one large file in the root directory that I can't 
> identify and wonder if it's a leftover from OS/2, or what else it's used 
> for. It's a hidden, system, read-only file named "ea data. sf" (with 
> spaces in the name and extension). It's 10Meg so if I don't need it I 
> certainly want to get rid of it, but I've discovered through painful 
> experience that not knowing what it is doesn't mean it shouldn't be 
> there. There's also a small file named"wp root. sf". Can anyone shed some 
> light on what they are?
> Thanks for any help!



Dennis Pantazis				My opinions are my own, and can not
<pantazis@uiuc.edu>			be interpreted as extensions of the 
Graduate Student in Civil Engineering	University's official policies, 
University of Illinois-Urbana		until they decide my opinion's are
(the Extended Tour of Duty continues)	worth money to the institution!!!

You  can see us at http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~pantazis !!!!!
