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Null Modem Cable...

A null modem cable is  basically a modem cable which reverses the send 
and recieve pins.  If two serials were connected with a modem cable they 
would both try to listen for data on the same line and try to send data 
on the same line, so pins 2 & 3 of the cable are reversed wrt a modem cable.
They are about $10.

Most null modem cables or "laplink" cables come with both 9 and 25 pin ends
and the other dangles off when one is connected.  Kind of a pain it can 
get cluttery.  Get either 9/25 and get an adaptor if needed.  If you 
already have a modem cable you can also get null modem converter for a 
few dollars.  Also get one with person friendly finger/thumb screws....

On ports and the like, I suggest your desktop modem at Com2 and make the 
null modem at Com4.  You don't want it on Com1 'cause that's propaby 
where your modem is.  On the thinkpad, at least the 701, the mouse is 
unrelated to com-ports, so I suggest that you put the Ir on Com2 and the 
Modem on Com1 and the serial on Com3 of the multiport.
You will have to set the modem speed to the lower of the two machines.

If you don't have software like Laplink or TranXit, any modem or terminal
sofware will work.  You will effectively be 'dialing' one machine from
another and recieve the 'call' on the other, so use the faster machine as
the one doing the work, and plug the TP to the adaptor to keep things
running smoothly.  You be sending and recieving files by sz or sendz for
sending a file and gz for getting a file. Z-Modem is by far the most
effecive if you can do it.  Kermit and Y-Modem also work, but I think Z is



Dennis Pantazis				My opinions are my own, and can not
<pantazis@uiuc.edu>			be interpreted as extensions of the 
Graduate Student in Civil Engineering	University's official policies, 
University of Illinois-Urbana		until they decide my opinion's are
(the Extended Tour of Duty continues)	worth money to the institution!!!

You  can see us at http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~pantazis !!!!!
