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TP750 Power Supply & Win95 PCMCIA Memory Card

I'm resubscribing after having been a charter subscriber when it was the
TP750 list, and my ancient, 19th Century 750C  was new, and learned
everything there was to know :-)  Now I'm back on with two problems:

By mistake (mine, mostly) the IBM warranty folks sent me two replacement
power supplies for the 750. One was a duplicate of the original with a
largish power supply and a thick cable from the PS to the computer.
The other is slightly smaller, with a very thin cable to the computer.
Both work and both's electrical specs are about the same. Naturally,
I have to send one back to IBM. Any advice which one? The heavier
original type seems sturdier, but the light one is handier and it looks
like it has a better strain relief.

A more momentous problem that I just posed on the newsgroups (where
I saw that this list is still active, though it's not just 750 any more):

My newly installed Windows 95 does not support the 512K PCMCIA
non-flash (SRAM?) memory card I had been using to transport files
between my HP 100LX Palmtop and the 750C, although it recognizes
that it's in the slot.  Win95 has no problem with the Megahertz 28.8
modem in the adjoining slot.

Microsoft tech support says they don't support the memory card, and
IBM tech support says that I can reinstall their card & socket drivers
but that then I'd change the whole computer back to a 16 bit machine.
I do have a 5MB flash card I use in the Palmtop, but it's been formatted
with Stacker which I don't have on the 750, so haven't tried it. Any

A report on the 750C as it chugs into its third year:

It's been a very good machine and performs as well as when new.
The batteries still give an honest couple of hours. 
The power cable opened at the strain relief (operator error?)
The plastic rear door covering the external connectors broke off.
An internal problem that they fixed via 2 way FedEx immediately
  (Service was excellent.)
No problem with the screen or hard drive.
I've updated the BIOS, video, etc from their downloads without problem.

Bob Kirk