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Date: 14 Mar 1996 12:37:04 U
From: thinkpad@CS.UTK.EDU
Subject: <C> thinkpad digest for Thu
To: "thinkpad-digest-recipients:;" <thinkpad-digest-recipients:#059#@CS.UTK.EDU>
X-Mailer: Mail*Link SMTP/QM 3.0.0

Mail*Link(r) SMTP               thinkpad digest for Thu, 14 Mar 1996

Today's topics:

    ADMIN: change in digest format  (Keith Moore)
    Stupid tp755 question (IR port==Remote Nuker?)  (C.P. Yeske)
    MWave '95 memory leaks?  (Ted Frederick)
    Re: Stupid tp755 question (IR port==Remote Nuker?)  (Don Perley)
    Upgrading 760CD to 760ED  (Gary E. Jacobs)
    trackpoint caps  (Paul Rubin)
    TP360CS External keyboard & mouse  (Jane Loyless)
    non-ibm listservs  (Michael Verne/VENTANA)
    OS/2 Video and 760CD  (Richard Chalk)
    Re: Upgrading 760CD to 760ED  (Robert Dewar)
    Re: OS/2 Video and 760CD  (Robert Dewar)
    Windows 95 Enhancement Diskette  (Alan McCord)
    Re: TP360CS External keyboard & mouse 
    Re[2]: Stupid tp755 question (IR port==Remote Nuker?) 
    Re: Re[2]: Stupid tp755 question (IR port==Remote Nuker?)  (Randy

******************* NOTE *******************
There may be important message content
contained in the following MIME Information.

------------------ MIME Information follows ------------------

Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-description: Today's topics

<<<<<< See above "Message Body" >>>>>>

Content-type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"


Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 12:53:30 -0500
From: Keith Moore <moore@cs.utk.edu>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: ADMIN: change in digest format
Message-Id: <199603131753.MAA18175@wilma.cs.utk.edu>

If you get this list in digest format, the format has been changed
slightly to reflect the emerging consensus of MIME developers.
The multipart/digest portion of the message now contains only
digested messages; the "today's topics" portion has been moved
outside of that body part.



Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 12:56:29 -0500
From: "C.P. Yeske" <cpy+@andrew.cmu.edu>
CC: "C.P. Yeske" <cpy+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Stupid tp755 question (IR port==Remote Nuker?)
Message-Id: <MlFklBa00iQTJ5ReYL@andrew.cmu.edu>

This falls under the useless uses for an expensive computer.

Is it possible to use the IR port as a substitute IR remote control?

I heard that the HP-LX200(?) can do this, and was wondering if there
where any drivers/programs to do this for the TP755.



P.S. If I am successful, I'll post solutions back to the list.


Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 09:58:08 -0800
From: Ted Frederick <tedf@cadence.com>
To: tp750@cs.utk.edu
Subject: MWave '95 memory leaks?
Message-Id: <>

Anyone experiencing problems with the mwsw95 and/or msgsrv32 with the

I occasionally get the big red X dialog.  The Details-> reveals that the
drivers are fighting like rabid dogs with the kernel.  My experience has
shown that this is usually due to problems with memory addressing...



 Ted Frederick

 Strategic Programs Manager
 Worldwide Practice Management
 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

"Your eyes show as many deep and full shades 
 of blue as a healing bruise upon an injured forelimb."
	-The Surrealist Compliment Generator



In-Reply-To: <MlFklBa00iQTJ5ReYL@andrew.cmu.edu>; from "C.P. Yeske" at Mar
13, 96 12:56 pm
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 10:13:43 -0800
From: Don Perley <perley@cadence.com>
To: cpy+@andrew.cmu.edu (C.P. Yeske)
CC: TP750@cs.utk.edu, cpy+@andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: Re: Stupid tp755 question (IR port==Remote Nuker?)
Message-Id: <199603131813.KAA21931@cds9258.cadence.com>

> This falls under the useless uses for an expensive computer.

I think it would be great to be able to send email to my computer
at home telling it to have the VCR record some show.

... of course, the thinkpad would probably be WITH me at the time...

> Is it possible to use the IR port as a substitute IR remote control?

-Don Perley


Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 11:31:22 -0800
From: "Gary E. Jacobs" <gjacobs@qualcomm.com>
To: tp750@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Upgrading 760CD to 760ED
Message-Id: <>

Will this be possible? At what cost?


Gary Jacobs
(619)658-4069 voice
(619)658-2120 fax


Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 13:44:52 -0800
From: phr@netcom.com (Paul Rubin)
To: thinkpad@CS.UTK.EDU
Subject: trackpoint caps
Message-Id: <199603132144.NAA12215@netcom10.netcom.com>

Does anyone know a good place to get trackpoint caps?
IBM Direct still sells them, but it's a pain:
  - they're $5.00 + tax for a pack of 3 (this is ok)
  - they're out of stock, 2-3 week backorder (I'll survive)
  - $7.50 shipping charge regardless of quantity (ugh!).

Unless someone has a better idea I might order 10 packs or so
in order to get the shipping overhead to reasonable levels.
Would anyone on the list want a pack or two then?  I probably
just want 1 or 2 packs for myself.  Assuming I order 10 packs
and the tax is $0.40, the "group buy" price would be $6.15
per pack, plus I'd want you to send an SASE with your check.


Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 16:48:35 +0500
From: Jane Loyless <jloyless@globalvision.net>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: TP360CS External keyboard & mouse
Message-Id: <9603132148.AA29077@ globalvision.net>

Can the Y connector cable be used on the TP360CS to attach an external
keyboard and mouse in the port on the side or can only a mouse be connected



Date: 13 Mar 1996 17:11:05 -0400
From: Michael Verne/VENTANA <Michael_Verne/VENTANA.ITP@lgate.vmedia.com>
To: tp750 <tp750@cs.utk.edu>
Subject: non-ibm listservs
Message-Id: <9603140114.AA1313@lgate.vmedia.com>

please don't shoot me for straying too far off the subject, but i now support

several toshiba laptops in addition to our fleet of thinkpads.  does anyone 
know of a forum comparable to this one for toshiba laptop users?

thanks in advance

Michael J. Verne
Systems Analyst, Ventana Communications Group
Saying Yahoo or Lycos is your favorite [web] site is like saying the Yellow 
Pages is your favorite book.
   --John Dvorak, PC Computing:  March '96


Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 19:36:29 -0500
From: Richard Chalk <rchalk@mindspring.com>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: OS/2 Video and 760CD
Message-Id: <199603140036.TAA08529@borg.mindspring.com>

I have installed OS/2 Warp Connect on my 760CD, and everything works fine in
640x480.  However, when I try to install the 760CD display drivers, the
machine hangs  after copying some of the files.  I have tried from the
floppy, and I have also copied the files to a directory on the HD, and
installing from there, but no better luck.

Anyone have any suggestions?


Richard Chalk			PHONE: 770-992-3700
4330 Sprucebough Drive		FAX:         770-998-3781
Marietta, GA  30062			EMAIL: rchalk@mindspring.com


Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 20:28:31 -0500
From: dewar@gnat.com (Robert Dewar)
To: gjacobs@qualcomm.com, tp750@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: Upgrading 760CD to 760ED
Message-Id: <9603140128.AA09279@nile.gnat.com>

what is a 760ED?


Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 20:50:39 -0500
From: dewar@gnat.com (Robert Dewar)
To: rchalk@mindspring.com, thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: OS/2 Video and 760CD
Message-Id: <9603140150.AA09569@nile.gnat.com>

"I have installed OS/2 Warp Connect on my 760CD, and everything works fine in
640x480.  However, when I try to install the 760CD display drivers, the
machine hangs  after copying some of the files.  I have tried from the
floppy, and I have also copied the files to a directory on the HD, and
installing from there, but no better luck."

I managed this fine by FOLLOWING EXACTLY the instructions in the 755C
sorry 755CD, manual. Following the instructions exactly is critical.


Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 20:39:18 +1300
From: mccord@maxwell.otago.ac.nz (Alan McCord)
To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU
Subject: Windows 95 Enhancement Diskette
Message-Id: <199603140739.UAA12240@newton.otago.ac.nz>


Has anyone tried using the "Thinkpad Windows 95 Enhancement Diskette" AFTER
they have installed Windows 95? 

Has anyone tried it?

I have the latest BIOS but I did the original Win95 installation on to my
755c  "by hand".  Most things work OK in Win95 now except I have never been
able to get the Win95 32 bit PCMCIA drivers to work, and I've had to keep
the original IBM ones installed.  



\\    Alan McCord
//    Physics Department
\\    University of Otago
//    P.O.Box 56
\\    Dunedin
\\    Email:               mccord@maxwell.otago.ac.nz


In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 13 Mar 96 16:48:35 +0500.
	     <9603132148.AA29077@ globalvision.net> 
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 10:23:42 +0100
From: --------------------------------------------------------------------
To: Jane Loyless <jloyless@globalvision.net>
CC: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: TP360CS External keyboard & mouse 
Message-Id: <9603140923.AA01699@octave.chorus.fr>

Hello Jane,

> Can the Y connector cable be used on the TP360CS to attach an external
> keyboard and mouse in the port on the side or can only a mouse be connected
> there?

I have this Y cable on my 360CSE for several months now and everything is
okay. I can plug a PS/2 comptible keyboard as well as PS/2 comptible mouse.

 St'ephane ERANIAN			| Email	eranian@chorus.fr
 Chorus Systems				|
 6, avenue Gustave Eiffel		|
 78182 Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines Cedex	|
 FRANCE					|
 Tel : +33 (1) 30-64-82-00		|
 Fax : +33 (1) 30-57-00-66		|


Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 10:24:31 -0500
From: <ecottrell@doble.com>
To: cpy+@andrew.cmu.edu (C.P. Yeske), Don Perley <perley@cadence.com>
CC: TP750@cs.utk.edu, cpy+@andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: Re[2]: Stupid tp755 question (IR port==Remote Nuker?)
Message-Id: <1483a980@doblegate.doble.com>

     The HP palmtops has software to allow the IR port to be a remote. So I 
     know it could be done.
     A possibly better solution is that there is a VCRPlus controller that 
     connects to the phone lines and allows the user to enter VCRPlus codes 
     via touchtone phone.
     The advantage is that it is one package for under $100 dollars.  The 
     disavantage is you need to carry around a televison schedule.  The 
     problem is if you forgot to set the VCR, it is likely you could not 
     remember to bring a TV Schedule with you.
     With the tp755 and voice menuing system you could get around the 
     problem by writing custom software that would automatically get the tv 
     schedules and will announce tv listings through the voice menus. The 
     user selects the program and the unit sends the proper codes at the 
     proper time to turn everything on.  This also allows the user to get 
     past the blinking 12:00 AM on his VCR as it is turned on through the 
     remote.  In fact another nice feature would be one that sets the VCR 
     73 Eric eac@shore.net


Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 07:56:59 -0800
From: Randy Whittle <whittle@usc.edu>
To: <ecottrell@doble.com>, cpy+@andrew.cmu.edu (C.P. Yeske),
    Don Perley <perley@cadence.com>
CC: TP750@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Stupid tp755 question (IR port==Remote Nuker?)
Message-Id: <1.5.4b11.32.19960314155659.00675588@scf.usc.edu>

At 10:24 AM 3/14/96 -0500, ecottrell@doble.com wrote:

>     A possibly better solution is that there is a VCRPlus controller that 
>     connects to the phone lines and allows the user to enter VCRPlus codes 
>     via touchtone phone.
>     The advantage is that it is one package for under $100 dollars.  The 
>     disavantage is you need to carry around a televison schedule.  The 
>     problem is if you forgot to set the VCR, it is likely you could not 
>     remember to bring a TV Schedule with you.

        ...and if you don't have a tape in the machine (or its near the end
of the tape), you're *still* out of luck.  ;-)

Randy Whittle		whittle@usc.edu
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle



End of thinkpad Digest