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Re: Linux on 170 MB drive

 | John H. Kim wrote:
 | > Has anybody gotten Linux installed on the Thinkpad 170 MB
 | > drive?  Did you have to use any LILO parameters?
 | I installed Linux on my TP755C on the 170Mb hard disk, but I
 | didn't supply any extra LILO parameters.
 | Did you use floppy=thinkpad?
I do not need this parameter on my TP755cx for Linux ..


* Michael Eyrich              Technische Universitaet Berlin, Deutschland *
* michey@{cs,prz}.tu-berlin.de                Fachbereich Informatik (13) *
* Tel: 030 / 314 26 713  He 104 (Galerie)  Prozessrechenzentrum TU Berlin *