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Re: PLIP weirdness

On Fri, 19 Apr 1996, John H. Kim wrote:
> I think the 750's script was the same except I also specified the
> address of the parallel port, and the and
> were reversed.  Set the 750's parallel port to bidirectional,
> parallel 1.  Use MSD under DOS to determine the address of the
> parallel port.  

Thanks, but how do I set the 750's parallel port to bidirectional,
and how do I specify the address of the parallel port? (I think plip
says I am not allowed to change the base address.) Either of both
sounds like part of my problem...

Ambrose Li ~{@h>tHY~}      A good style should show no sign of effort;
  acli%byron.net4@io.org       What is written should seem a happy accident.
    ai337@freenet.toronto.on.ca    - Somerset Maugham