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Linux problem on a TP701cs...


I've used my TP701cs, 16Mb, 720Mb disk. 3Com 3C589C network card, 
for about a month now, and am mostly quite pleased with the 
total performance and utility IBM placed in this little package...

However, twice I've encountered a problem with Linux (apologies to
those that don't use Linux...).  The installation and configuring of
Linux Slackware is fairly straightforward, and I've been successfully
running for about 3 weeks now, including X.  But now, when the system  
boots it never gives a login prompt. The display goes though the 
usual bootup messages and then freezes at this point:  
>Adding Swap: 44388k swap space

Ctl-Alt-Del will reboot, and during the freeze there is some disk 
activity - probably update is working. DOS will boot up fine.

The first time this happened, rebuilding linux solved the problem;
I attributed the first failure to infamiliarity with the system 
and thought I just screwed something up, and wanted to rebuilt the 
system anyway. 
Now, I'm less happy with the prospect of a system rebuild, and the 
failure seemed to have no traceable cause.

Has anyone experenced this problem?  Is there a fix?  The backup boot
floppy of the kernel I made during installation has the same problem.  
I have booted the rescue disk, and can mount the hard drive, but I don't 
know where to look at this point.

Thanks in advance for your help.

- Dennis

Dennis Edwards                        Currently Servicing 5.27GHZ of NMR
NMR Support Services                  edwards@chemistry.utah.edu
University of Utah                    TEL (801) 581-4208
Department of Chemistry               FAX (801) 581-8433 
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112