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Re: 760CD vs 760ED: A bird in the hand ...

At 2:19 PM 5/9/96, Daniel Cerys wrote:
>Well, my long-awaited 760CD finally arrived this week.  However, I'd love
>to have the new features of the 760ED, esp. the PCI support for driving an
>external monitor.  My supplier is willing to take back my 760CD and put me
>in the queue for a 760ED, but I'm concerned since they don't have any
>expected delivery date.  I'm certainly willing to wait another month, but
>probably not for 3+ months.  It's been about a week since the last 760ED
>prognostications on this list: is there a better estimate of when the
>760ED's will become available?

        If you really want one, get in the queue and wait.

        If a month or so from now you just *have* to have a computer, I'm
sure there will be plenty of 760CD's laying around...  ;-)

Randy Whittle           whittle@usc.edu         http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle
USC Graduate School of Business

        Women often ask, "What do men really want, deep in their souls?"
The best answer--based on in-depth analysis of the complex and subtle
interplay of thought, instinct, and emotion that constitutes the male psyche
--is that deep in their souls, men want to watch stuff go 'bang'.
                - Dave Barry, October 2, 1994