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Re: 701 Mouse Problems

At 9:35 PM  -0400 5/12/96, Emanuel Brown wrote:
> Since then, I've had a problem with the mouse hanging when I come back from
> suspend.

  I went through a long, protracted debugging sequence with the Borg's
(MS's) Win95 escalation team for a problem very similar to this (More
details upon request). IBM's support wouldn't even touch the problem
without additional payment ("works for us!").

Each time I would suspend, upon resuming I would have to control-alt-del
and kill msgsrv32 before I could continue.  Suspend from the Start menu
would always hang with the same problem.

The only solution we were able to hash out consisted of commenting out the
mention of device=*vpowerd in [386Enh] section of the system.ini.

Benefits: suspend/resume with clamshell close and function key works peachy.
Drawbacks: loss of Power control panel, battery in tray area and suspend
option in start menu.

If you find a better solution, do tell!  Hope this helps.
