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Re: Drifting cursor on 701C

At 05:06 AM 5/13/96 -0700, Dave Speed wrote:
>After I had left the unit on for an hour or so and went back 
>to do some work, it seemed to drift *much* faster, again down 
>and to te right.  Different screens had no effect, but closing 
>the screen and opening again stopped the drift completely.  

>Is this a common problem ?  Any fixes short of a trip to the repair depot?

Every Thinkpad I've ever had (I think 6 at last count!) would drift
sometimes. As I recall, the recommendation is to let it drift to the
corner/side and it will correct itself (this was undoubtedly some time ago
that I read that). My 755CX does it occationally, but letting it drift to
the edge of the screen seems to allow it to correct itself.

Of course, YMMV.

 Steve Hultquist            Founder         Worldwide Solutions, Inc.

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