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Re: thinkpads competitive yet?

On Wed, 15 May 1996, Alden S Klovdahl wrote:

> i have been travelling and dropped off the list to keep my mailbox from 
> overflowing during the 6 weeks i couldn't look at it very easily.
> question:  is ibm showing any signs of retaking the leading position in 
> notebooks again?  toshiba seems to have leapfrogged them, eg, pci bus, at 
> least for the moment.

I don't know about the rest of the software industry, but I just got a 
760CD and it has a major problem with crashing(hanging) when connected to
a network (ie:active communication card) when on battery power. Also out
of 3 thinkpads that came in, 2 of them had to be EZ-served within 24hrs of
use. These problems have caused my company to stop ordering Thinkpads and 
only order Toshibas now, which they have had more luck with. I don't 
think that they are willing to try the ED or any other TP after the bad luck
they've had with the 760's.


Robert E. Shemo
TASC                            reshemo@tasc.com
55 Walkers Brook Dr.            Voice: (617)942-2000 x3405
Reading, MA 01867               Fax:   (617)942-7100