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Re: upgrades for 90MHz 760CD

At 11:51 AM 5/29/96 EDT, you wrote:
>I am quite annoyed, I bought the 90MHz macine on the basis of an assurance
>from IBM that the upgrade would be available shortly.
>P.S. Anyone have any experience with the Tecra 720CDT, this looks like it
>might be a better bet than any of the available thinkpads?

(An open letter to Robert Dewar)

Oh no!  Can this be true??  I must be dreaming...the impossible of all
impossibles...Robert "The ThinkPad Kid" Dewar asking about the Toshiba 
Tecra 720CDT???  I can die in peace now knowing I've seen everything! :-)

That's it IBM...time to shutdown the factory...your number one supporter
is about to jump ship...I hope none of you own IBM stock!  :)

Robert, I've been on this mailing list for ages now...and you are the
absolute last ThinkPad user I would have expected to hear utter the
unspeakable "T" word (Toshiba).  With your twenty-seven ThinkPads running 
day and night and probably more tucked away in various hiding places 
(closet, under the bed, in your underwear draw?), I can't believe 
I'm hearing this. :-)  WOW...you must be VERY "annoyed".

Frankly, can't say I blame you.  By the time my new 760ED comes, It will
probably be obsolete or I might be too old to use it.:)  IBM continues to
makes one heck of a laptop/notebook but is clearly having problems producing
them and their support policies seem to be getting stranger all the time.

This whole issue of upgradeability is extremely important...especially when
we're spending $7000+ for a new ThinkPad.  My guess is that the design-to-
production cycle has been shortened so dramatically due to quickly evolving
technology and brisk competition, that IBM doesn't have the time or desire 
to worry about upgrades.  If I knew for sure that IBM has no intention of
providing some upgrade path for the 760ED, I'd cancel my order immediately
and look elsewhere too.

Let me know how you like the new 720CDT...especially that 1024x768 resolution.
Maybe I'll buy one too instead of waiting...waiting...waiting...for the 760ED.

Best Regards,

  --Sandy            / _  _ \
                    (  @  @  )
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