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TP701, Linux, and X in 16bpp

I'd appreciate some input from X configuration gurus, so please read
this even if you don't have a TP701.

Based on a mail from Bjoern Stabell reporting partial success with
the pre-beta enhanced CT65545 X server, I grabbed the latest version
from ftp://ftp.biol.tsukuba.ac.jp/pub/X/XFree86/alpha/CT65545plus/.

Unlike the 960520 version which corrupted my video without fail, both
the 960606 and 960620 versions work, sort of.  Bjoern reports it comes
up on his LCD but displaced 20-30 pixels up.  I tried it and it doesn't
come up, but neither does it corrupt my video.  Furthermore, if I switch
away to a text shell (ctrl-alt-F1) and switch back, for a brief instant
I can see my X desktop before it goes black.  The same thing happens
when I run the server in 16bpp mode.

Does anyone know if these symptoms indicate something obvious we're
doing wrong?  I mailed Bjoern asking for his XF86Config file, but it's
been over a week and he hasn't answered so I assume he's on vacation
or something.  I have been using the same XF86Config file I use with the
generic SVGA XF86 3.1.2 server (with the same clock).  I'd really like
to run X in 16bpp and ditch Win95.

For those of you running FreeBSD or Linux on your 701, the pre-beta
CT65545 drivers offer 16bpp and 24bpp support, hardware acceleration,
hardware mouse, and programmable clocks.
John H. Kim       "I stop for red traffic lights" -- bumper sticker 
jokim@mit.edu     commissioned by the City of Boston as part of a
MIT Sea Grant     campaign to shed its reputation for bad drivers.