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Re: 755cx and virtual screens

I have the same problem with my 560.  The manual mentions the 1024x768 LCD
virtual capabilty, but doesn't have any instructions on how to engage it.


Jim Ahn

On Jun 26, 10:52am, Yves-Chandler Eynard wrote:
> Subject: Re: 755cx and virtual screens
> I have a 755cx with the svga display.
> In the past I was able to have a virtual 1024x768 display using IBM's
> display driver. I worked in OS/2, Windows 3.11, and Win95 (after a
> reformat and reinstall of either of those systems).
> Now on the latest install of win95 I can't remember how I got this to
> work in the past. When I choose the icon for the display manager (or
> whatever it's called) the section for lcd is greyed out. (I did choose
> the lcd in the display type).
> What am I forgetting?
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Yves-Chandler Eynard
> yves@mhv.net
> OCTET International
>-- End of excerpt from Yves-Chandler Eynard