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Re: 701C speakers....

At 10:01 AM 7/23/96 +0800, Elvin wrote:

>	Just wondering. Does the mute APM bios function key work ? 
>	I have a 701C and I regularly play Doom with my friends over it. 
>I noticed that even if I mute the speakers (but the game was set to play 
>thru the SB), I could hear some sounds from the plasma gun.	
>	Also, sometimes when I boot up in Linux and then switch off the 
>speakers, some beeps still escape !
>	And I have a PCMCIA Hayes Optima 288FM, sometimes I can hear the 
>connection handshaking sounds ! (A bit soft, but can hear it)
>	Any idea ?

        I've noticed the key you're talking about (Fn+F5, right?) doesn't
actually turn the speaker "off", but just mutes it way, way down.  For the
most part, you can't hear it, but certain tones & sounds still
escape--they're just *really* soft.

        In combination, I think you can turn the sound itself way, way down
to help.

Randy Whittle		whittle@usc.edu
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle

	Women often ask, "What do men really want, deep in their souls?"
The best answer--based on in-depth analysis of the complex and subtle
interplay of thought, instinct, and emotion that constitutes the male
psyche--is that deep in their souls, men want to watch stuff go 'bang'.
			- Dave Barry, October 2, 1994