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Re: Oh, that modem problem


About 2E6 times someone mentiones changing some init-strings
to make the 701-modem not hang up after 5 minutes.

which strings do you change? i have not been able to find
any init-strings to change with win95-plus-pack ppp!

and if i were to find them, or change to trumpet-ppp, 
_nobody_ has yet posted the actual, working init-strings. 

also, updating the mwave-modem has been recommended. the 
tp701 modem is not a mwave in the broader sense: the dsp
software can not be updated.

so far, the most promising right now seems to be to heat up
the thinkpad. (or upgrade to one of the new thinkpads, 
anyone remember the thread about them getting too hot?)
any suggestions on glueing an isolator to the bottom?

if anything conclusive _and_ working comes up, i'll put
it on my web-site. nothing there yet, though. and only if
i have the time. but my TV was stolen yesterday, so that 
isn't the problem right now.

if my tone is off, please excuse me. as i mentioned, my 
TV is gone...


>Regarding the modem problem, 
>I only managed to fix the problem with my shell account. 
>It would not down load files, and would disconnect from
>email every now and then.
>Added a new modem string I got from some
>helpful person on the laptop news group.
>Will play with netscape next, but it sounds like that
>may not yeild so easily.  Fortunately, I have a desktop
>machine which takes care of most of my web needs.
>On Tue, 23 Jul 1996, Axel Hartmann wrote:
>> hi frank,
>> what exactly did you do/change? is there something to make the modem not
>> give up on PPP-internet (plus-pack95) after 5 minutes? my 701 and several

.                 Axel Hartmann                                       .
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