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Re: Modem for 560 (xjack)

In article <> jesse montrose <jesse@spine.com> writes:

] At 04:13 PM 7/27/96 -0400, R.J.H. wrote:
] ]Well I shure don't understand! It's hard to believe that the majority of 
] ]PC users would opt for no modem, esp. the mobile users and even more so
] ]the sub-notebook users.
] I think the biggest reason is to trim a bit off the "sticker" price, just
] like laptops never ship with a useful amount of ram (this is an uneducated
] opinion!).
] Someone else mentioned pcmcia as a way to avoid proprietary builtin modems,
] but for a "normal" modem, i.e. not a dsp modem, I'd think that would be less
] of an issue.
] Anyway, I fear the loss of builtin modems is something we'll have to live
] with for some time now.

I prefer the PCMCIA modem - I get to choose which modem I want, and I
can upgrade it later.  Say what you like about notebook lifespans, but
14.4 modems were considered fast when I bought my 755CE.  And if I so
choose, I can use the space for something else instead.
David Fox           http://found.cs.nyu.edu/fox            xoF divaD
NYU Media Research Lab     fox@cs.nyu.edu     baL hcraeseR aideM UYN