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Re: Battery Care..

On Wed, 7 Aug 1996 bivanovi@golden.net wrote:

> My thinkpad spends most of its life on the desk (70%+). In order to ensure
> greatest useable life, is it better to run it down while using it on the desk
> once in a while, or is it better to run it on AC while on the desk?
> P.S. My TP is a 701 with NiMH

I've left my 701 on AC from January to July with a full discharge
maybe once every two weeks.  The 701's battery seems to hold its
charge much better than the 7x0 series' battery, so leaving it on
AC doesn't seem to hurt it.
John H. Kim       "I stop for red traffic lights" -- bumper sticker 
jokim@mit.edu     commissioned by the City of Boston as part of a
MIT Sea Grant     campaign to shed its reputation for bad drivers.