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T-pad 760ED Problems

i just got one of these recently. win95 was preloaded. i have the
following problems:

  - when the systems goes in some sort of a sleep mode and then wakes
    up as a result of some keyboard or mouse activity, the colors are
    all messed up and it's reboot time in order to get it back.
    any idea?

  - the 760ED has a MWave DSP which can emulate a 28.8kbps modem.
    i am not able to get the modem running. it accepts 'AT' commands
    sent via hyperterm and the 'leds' on the modem status window
    indicate that it's accepting the commande on the DTE end, however,
    it appears to me that the modem never really goes off-hook. i can't
    hear a dialtone nor any other noise from the DCE end, although,
    i can hear the DTMF tones when i dial a telephone number.

help is greatly appreciated.

ps: anybody running linux on the 760ED? i have it running, it took me
    about 10 hours to get it installed and configured. XFree86 is still
    not configured correctly. if somebody has a XF86config, please mail
    it to me.

Friedemann Baitinger           baiti@herrenberg.netsurf.de