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Re: Netscape keeps HD from sleeping

On Aug. 18 96, 13:39 PDT, "John H. Kim" <jokim@MIT.EDU> wrote:

> Go to options->network and set the disk cache size to 0k.  You
> may want to bump up the RAM cache while you're there.

That doesn't seem to have made any difference. Netscape still keeps
the HD from sleeping.

Why would Netscape be playing with the disk cache when I'm not
doing anything anyway?

Chris Osborn, Network Administrator     Napa Valley College
707 253 3130 - Voice                    2277 Napa-Vallejo Hwy.
707 253 3063 - Fax                      Napa, CA 94558
<fozztexx@nvc.cc.ca.us>    <http://www.nvc.cc.ca.us/~fozztexx>